Being 3rd generation blockchains, we try to unify the crypto world by connecting thousands of blockchains together and connect them to the real world. Blockchain technology ensures transparency, security, and decentralization in crypto tokens. It enables seamless transactions, smart contracts, and trustless exchanges. The $MIND crypto presale leverages blockchain to offer investors a secure and efficient entry into its ecosystem, ensuring fair distribution, immutability, and enhanced trust among early adopters and stakeholders.
Knowchain is a two-layered blockchain platform that powers decentralized Applications and real world transactions by Smart Contracts and Additional Information attached on-chain. Blockchain is the foundation for the popular digital currency Bitcoin, and without it, bitcoin would not exist. Bitcoin trading with the aid of automated trading bots like the News spy app is an option for interested people who want to make more money with Bitcoin. Go to for further information.
Knowchain is a 2-layered blockchain that powers decentralized Applications with Smart Contracts.
Know layer stores Value transferring transactions of Know units. It is governed by Delegates system following Delegated Proof of Stake consensus.
Ano layer stores information as Smart Contracts and real world data as Ano units. It is governed by the Ultranodes and Service Ultranodes system following Proof of Authority consensuses.
There are 5 types of normal transaction on Knowchain: Transfer Know, Create a smart contract (including Ano units), Attach Ano units, Request Service on Ano units and Vote for Delegates. There are also 3 special types of transaction on Knowchain: Register as Delegates, Register as Ultranodes and Register as Service Ultranodes.
The Know process is about transferring Know from sender to receiver, or from sender to network, or from network to receiver. The Ano process is about attaching and processing information as Ano units.
We identify the lack of real world application in the current blockchains and cryptocurrencies because of its anonymity.
Knowchain is a 2 layers blockchain that powers decentralized Applications with Smart Contracts and Additional Information of users on-chain.
Know blockchain enriches the transaction on blockchain by adding a second layer that can store “anything” as the information of the senders, the receivers and the transactions, from identifications of parties to the appendix attached into the transactions. The additional information in the second layer help the transaction on Knowchain to be as same as in real world.
Users and organizations (applications, businesses, etc.) can interact on-chain more than just transferring tokens (coins) because Knowchain support on-chain information in Ano layer.
Traditional applications require users to trade off between their privacy and utilities. Users lose their data to social networks to get the best contents and services advertised to them. However, the social networks can monetize the data of users by selling advertising services to businesses. It can be solve by Knowchain. Knowchain allows people to control their own privacy and monetize their own data if they want.
Knowchain solves those problems by bringing the mutual information of users from many places into blockchain first, allowing users to re-use the data and control the privacy of them. Knowchain also helps in protecting user’s rights to their own data.
We use "Delegate Proof Of Stake - DPOS" and "Proof Of Authority - POA " algorithms instead of "Proof Of Work". Thus, energy consuming is no longer problem.
Transactions processing in Knowchain is extremely low in cost. The transaction fee is fixed at 0.1 Know (KN).
Knowchain process transactions in amazing speed by the solution to integrate many payments in one traditional transaction. Combine with sharding proposal, Knowchain can reach 100,000 TPS
Delegates system and Ultra Nodes system are the backbone of Knowchain and they support effectively the Knowchain's ecosystem, would you like to become an Ultranode?
We are developing the Know App. Once you’ve entered into our ecosystem, you can mange every thing. Anyone with a smartphone and an internet connection can partici pate in global marketplace.
Beside of Web-wallet and Web-explorer are ready to use, the Know-App will come soon with the following facilities:
Know tokens will be released on the basis of Ethereum platform. It’s compatibility of the token with third-party services wallets, exchanges etc, and provides easy-to-use integration.
To be announced
7,795,482,309 KNOW
To be announced
1 KNOW = $0.01 (USD). ETH rate: 1 ETH = 20,000 KNOW
0.1 ETH
0xbfd18F20423694a69e35d65cB9c9D74396CC2c2d (Do not send ETH to this, it is not a Sale Contract)
Architect designing: 2-layered blockchain - Ano layer and Know layer.
Whitepaper v1.0 is officially released. Knowchain is to bring blockchain technology to real world use cases.
Start of the Private Sale. Devnet for Know layer will be released.
Public Testnet for Know layer will be release.
Ano layer & KDSP testing
Know Layer Mainnet. Start of the Knowchain Delegates program
Testnet for KDSP & Ano Layer. Start of Delegates voting.
Know Virtual Machine and Smart Contract system integration into Knowchain. Start of the Knowchain Ultranodes program.
Knowchain Duo Layer Mainnet: Swap to Knowchain native unit - KNOW
The Knowchain Team combines a passion for blockchain, technology expertise & proven record in finance, development, marketing & cryptocurrency.
MBA - Universität Leipzig
Architect Master in Blockchain development
Master degree in Information Technology
Wallet & Explorer Developer
Solidity Developer.
Wallet Developer
Server & Backend Developer
Knowchain website & ICO
Community Admin. Bsc in management LASU. Experience in community management with xDAC, Trusted Community, Steneum Coin and IBC Group
Community Admin. Bsc in University of Benin. Experience in community management and Electrical Engineering
Community for Europe. Project Management experience working with PHP, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Golang, VueJs, Laravel, C++, C#
Francis is a blockchain and crypto enthusiast who holds an MSc. in Comparative Politics and Development Studies from the University of Benin with over 4 years experience in management, sales and customer support services. He's currently working as a Community Moderator at AmaZix - the leading Community Management and Engagement Firm in the crypto space.
CTO - Tesse, Inc. Master in Software Engineer
Director - AAP Group. Master in Financial Management
CEO - ProMinent VN. Master in Business Model Development
Entrepreneur. Co-founder & Director of Online Platform
Below we’ve provided a bit of Knowchain, The Token Sale, our 2-layered blockchain, and few others. If you have any other questions, please get in touch using the contact form below.
Knowchain is a 2 layered blockchain that powers enriched decentralized Applications with Smart Contracts and Additional Information of users on-chain.
Knowchain goals is to build an extensive platform for building and deploying decentralized applications and smart contracts that are enriched by additional information of users and related appendix.
By allowing people to attach more information onto Knowchain, it aims to remove barriers between the crypto world and the real world where transactions need to have enough information to be executed.
Knowchain layer 1 is the Value settlement layer. In short, you can transfer Know (crypto unit of Knowchain) through this layer to other people.
Layer 2 is the Ano layer, where additional information can be attached include Smart Contracts, Identifications, Degrees, Contents, Appendix, etc. and be bridged with a transaction in layer 1.
The layer 2 is needed to enrich the transactions on Knowchain, because in the real world need to be identified: from the identification of senders and receivers to the terms and conditions of the transactions. A bank in real world always require its clients to provide full information about themselves to use its service. With the ability of second layer, Knowchain can power both the anonymous transactions in the crypto world and identified transactions in the real world.
Knowchain is a 2 layered blockchain (can be understood as 2 horizontal connected blockchains) that power the abilities to build and deploy decentralized Applications, to create and execute complicated Smart Contracts that can connect and handle any additional information related to the contracts and parties involved.
Transactions in layer 1 can be linked to multiple Ano units (can be Smart Contracts, Addition Information, etc.) in layer 2 by Smart Bridge Protocol. Ano units in layer 2 (as Smart Contracts) can also be linked to other Ano units (as Additional Information).
The layer 1 is maintained by nodes using delegated Proof of Stake consensus algorithms to define new blocks of transactions while layer 2 is secured and managed by a system of Ultranodes with the concept Proof of Authority where Smart Contracts and Additional Information are mined and arranged also in blocks.
Smart Bridge Protocol allows the connection between layer 1 and layer 2. Layer 2 also has a gateway that provide APIs for other blockchains to access and get the information to enrich their transactions.
The Token Sale (ICO) is yet to launch. The date will be announced on our website when it starts. Knowchain are in Private Sale Round.
You have to register an account on the Dashboard and complete the KYC process to participate in the Token Sale.
There will be two crowdsale periods: The Initial Crowdsale and The Float Crowdsale. The Initial Crowdsale has fixed rate and the Float Crowdsale has floating rate.
You will receive Know tokens immediately after completing the buying process. However, the tokens will be locked until the Token Sale is done.
No, you can only use ETH to make contribution.
Unsold tokens will be burnt.
The main token contract address is0xbfd18f20423694a69e35d65cb9c9d74396cc2c2d. Do not send any ETH to this address because it is not the Sale Contract
Know is the crypto unit on top of Knowchain to use as fuel for the network. Know is used for payment from users to Delegates (voters, stakers), Utranodes to execute transactions, attach information, deploy Smart Contracts, decentralized Applications. Know is also used in reward system where contributors are paid. They are Delegates, Ultranodes and Services Ultranodes..
No. People get Know through staking, delegating and running Ultranode or Service Ultranode services. By staking and delegating, you contribute in the process of creating new blocks (forging process). By running Ultranodes, people contribute to Knowchain the services like Instant payment, Information Confirmation, Storage, etc. You can participate in those 2 activities to get Know.
Know token is ERC-20 token built on top of Ethereum blockchain to support the Token Sale and the starting of Knowchain project. Know is the native crypto unit on top of Knowchain and it is dependent with the Ethereum blockchain. When the Knowchain mainnet is released, Know tokens will be swapped in a 1:1 ratio to Know for the HODLers.
Because the Know tokens are ERC-20 tokens, you can check the status of the Know tokens on any explorer of Ethereum blockchain as Etherscan.
In the ecosystem of Knowchain, the clients can be governments, businesses, universities, hospitals, and banks. The purpose of Knowchain is to support real world transactions, that is the reason why Knowchain is compatible with many kinds of organization.
The answer is yes. Everyone can access Knowchain codebase to learn about the system and create a “fork” for themselves to utilize its power.
Knowchain is a hybrid blockchain where private nodes can join the public chain to provide the services as Ultranodes. Orgazations can run Ultranodes to provide their services to individuals and get rewards as Know token.
Yes. With Smart Contracts powered by additional information on layer 2, Knowchain allows people to make their own tokens and deploy them on top of Knowchain. Tokens on Knowchain are even more powerful with the support of layer 2: token users can attach more information related to themselves onto Knowchain.
ICO projects can get information of investors directly through Ano layer of Knowchain, it means the KYC process can be done inside the Smart Contracts and can be re-used after for other ICO projects.
dApps can get more information from users and can re-use it as resources for next dApps on Knowchain..
ICO Crypto - is unique platform; that is secure, smart and easy-to-use platform, and completely disrupting the way businesses raise capital.
ICO Crypto - is unique platform; that is secure, smart and easy-to-use platform, and completely disrupting the way businesses raise capital.
ICO Crypto - is unique platform; that is secure, smart and easy-to-use platform, and completely disrupting the way businesses raise capital.
ICO Crypto - is unique platform; that is secure, smart and easy-to-use platform, and completely disrupting the way businesses raise capital.
Any question? Reach out to us and we’ll get back to you shortly.